Archive for June, 2011

#55 Serbia: Serbian collards? Who knew?

Usually, my gluttony is exactly why I enjoy spending so much time in restaurants, but sometimes, the gluttony bites me in the (proverbial, but rapidly spreading) ass.  I got home from the Indonesian food bazaar—where friendly ladies continued to stuff food into my hands after I’d already eaten the equivalent of two full meals—at around […]


#54 Indonesia: heaven on earth… specifically, in a parking lot in Astoria

I’m not the slightest bit religious, but I have the occasional fantasy about what heaven might look like when I die.  If heaven exists, I’m pretty sure that it would have three things: friendly people, pleasant weather, and an endless supply of spicy food, preferably cooked in coconut milk. It pains me to use such […]


#53 Trinidad & Tobago: and the secret to Trinbagonian steam-table freshness is…

If you’re going to eat assloads of international food in NYC, you have to embrace the magic of the steam table. As a Midwest native, I’ll admit that steam tables bring back unpleasant memories of school cafeteria mystery meat (my graffiti of choice on high school bathroom walls: “flush twice, it’s a long way to […]


#0 Eating Alaska

I really didn’t think that it would be worth mentioning my trip to Alaska on a New York food blog.  Alaska isn’t particularly known for its international culinary wonders, unless you’re really into mooseburgers, reindeer sausage, or bear steaks. We were in Alaska for three weeks, thinking that we would get away from the mayhem […]