Archive for the ‘Central America’ Category

#73 Honduras: ever wish you could smash a plastic bag?

I’m pretty clumsy, so I’m really not a fan of fine china, crystal glassware, or fancy silverware. I’m also half-Greek: when we’re really happy about something, we smash plates and glasses on the floor. So if you pull my food out of a Tupperware and stick it on a paper plate, I’m pretty stoked. If […]


#60 Panama: do pig tails go boing in your mouth?

Whenever I travel overseas, I inevitably experience something that I call the “evil glint” food encounter.  A friendly native will offer me an opportunity to try some of their food.  It’s a perfectly pleasant encounter at first, and then the native gets an evil glint in his/her eye, and realizes that it would be highly […]